The 5 Best Attribution Software for 2023

Marketing professionals that want to improve their campaigns’ performance should use Attribution Software and tools. It enables them to monitor and evaluate each marketing channel’s effectiveness and identify which ones are generating conversions.

We’ll talk about their features, payment options, use cases, and more in this article. You can select the tool that best suits your goals and budget by studying these tools.

The 5 Best Attribution Software for 2023

#1: ActiveCampaign for Marketing

active campaign attribution software
Businesses may track, attribute, and improve their marketing initiatives with ActiveCampaign for Marketing platform. It offers information on the campaigns that are most successful at each stage of the customer journey as well as which channels are generating the most conversions and sales.

It can be utilized to help with budgeting and marketing strategies in the future.

Top ActiveCampaign for Marketing features

1. Attribution

What this is

ActiveCampaign for Marketing’s Attribution feature allows businesses to track and measure the performance of their marketing campaigns. The tool provides a comprehensive view into how customers interact with your brand, from initial contact all the way through purchase or lead conversion.

This data can be used to adjust existing campaigns as well as create new ones in order to maximize ROI on each campaign.

Why this matters

By tracking customer behavior over time, companies are able to better understand what is suitable for acquiring new customers and converting them into paying clients or leads.

Being able to attribute specific actions such as clicks, purchases, downloads, etc., helps marketers make more informed decisions about which strategies are yielding results so they can continue investing in those that perform best.

All these while optimizing others that may need improvement before being put back out there again.

Our experience

Initially, we faced some difficulty due to too many variables not being accounted for but eventually overcame this issue by manually adjusting certain settings in order to allow us to take full advantage of attributions capabilities.

2. ActiveCampaign

What this is 

The ActiveCampaign for Marketing Attribution Software is a tool that allows businesses to track, attribute, and optimize their marketing campaigns.

It provides insights into which channels are driving the most conversions and sales, as well as which campaigns are most effective at each stage of the customer journey. This is a marketing strategy and budgeting decision.

Why this matters

The Attribution Software is important because it helps businesses understand what’s working and what isn’t so they can make more informed decisions about where to allocate their resources.

Without this data, companies would be flying blind when it comes to understanding the return on investment for their marketing efforts.

Our experience

We have found the Attribution Software to be incredibly useful in understanding which channels are performing best for our business. We’ve also been able to use it to troubleshoot issues with underperforming campaigns and make necessary adjustments.

One difficulty we had was figuring out how to properly attribute across multiple touchpoints; however, after some trial and error, we were eventually able to get it working correctly.

3. ActiveCampaign’s automation

ActiveCampaign’s automation tool is very user-friendly and helps you create complex workflows quickly and easily. With this tool, you can send out personalized messages to your customers based on their behavior or interests.

This is perfect for engaging with your customers at every stage of their journey. Additionally, the analytics tool tracks customer engagement so you can see how well your campaigns are performing.

What this is

ActiveCampaign’s automation tool allows you to send out personalized messages to your customers based on their behavior or interests.

Why this matters

The automation tool helps ensure that each customer receives relevant information at every stage of their journey. Additionally, tracking customer engagement allows you to adjust your campaigns as needed in order to improve results.

Pros and cons of ActiveCampaign


  • User-friendly interface
  • Powerful automation tool
  • Comprehensive analytics
  • Personalization features
  • Affordable pricing


  • Does not include a CRM
  • Limited integrations
  • Email designing can be difficult to use

ActiveCampaign for Marketing Pricing

At $9.00 a month, ActiveCampaign for Marketing has an affordable price. Because of its affordable price compared to other attribution software packages, ActiveCampaign is a smart choice.

Additionally, they provide a free a trial so you can evaluate the product before making a long-term commitment to it. Pricing estimates are not required because their website has all of the relevant information.


ActiveCampaign for Marketing is a more affordable option that still offers robust attribution capabilities. Additionally, the free trial makes it easy to test out the tool before committing to it long-term.

#2: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

salesforce attribution software

An attribution software solution called Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement evaluates leads and enables you to divide prospects into unique lists. The platform also offers strong options for creating landing pages and forms that you can use to gather leads from your website or other places.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement’s capacity to score leads and divide prospects into customized lists sets it apart from other attribution software platforms.

This makes it simple to target particular demographics with your marketing efforts and raises the possibility that they will interact with your business.

Strong list-building tools also make it possible for you to add new leads to your database quickly and simply, allowing you to start nurturing them through the sales funnel.

Top Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement features

1. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

What this is

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement attribution software tool’s number one feature is its ability to score leads. This feature allows users to prioritize leads by assigning a numerical score to each lead, based on factors such as the lead’s engagement with marketing content, demographics, and firmographics.

Why this matters

Lead scoring is important because it allows companies to focus their sales and marketing efforts on the most promising leads – those that are more likely to convert into customers. By prioritizing these leads, companies can increase their conversion rate and grow their business.

Our experience:

We have found the lead scoring feature to be very useful in our work. It has helped us prioritize our sales and marketing efforts and has increased our conversion rate. We did encounter some difficulty when first using this feature, but we were able to solve it by reaching out

2. Segmentation and List Building

What this is

With Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement’s Segmentation and List Building, you can create custom lists of prospects based on criteria that you specify, making it easy to target specific groups with your marketing campaigns.

Additionally, the platform provides powerful tools for building landing pages and forms to capture leads from your website or other sources.

Why this matters

Being able to segment your prospects into different lists allows you to send them more targeted communications, increasing the likelihood that they will engage with your brand.

Additionally, having strong list-building tools ensures that you are able to quickly and easily add new leads to your database so that you can start nurturing them through the sales funnel.

3. Attribution

What this is

Attribution” is the ability to see which marketing activities are associated with each lead, and how those leads became customers. This helps sales and marketing teams work together more effectively by understanding which activities led to a particular sale.

Why this matters

Attribution is important because it allows companies to understand which marketing activities are most effective at generating leads and converting them into customers. This can then be used to allocate resources more effectively and focus on the activities that are most likely to result in sales.

Our experience

We have found attribution to be extremely useful in understanding which of our marketing efforts are most effective at generating leads and converting them into customers.

We have also found it helpful in troubleshooting when something goes wrong with a campaign, as we can see exactly what happened leading up to the problem.

Pros and cons of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement


  • The lead scoring feature allows for the prioritization of leads.
  • Segmentation and list-building features allow for targeted marketing communications.
  • The attribution feature allows for an understanding of which marketing activities are most effective.
  • Powerful tools for building landing pages and forms capture leads from websites or other sources.
  • Easy to use interface.


  • High cost.
  • Difficult to integrate with other applications.
  • Limited documentation.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Pricing

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is priced at $1,250 per month. This price is expensive in the market for a tool that does Attribution Software.


The cost of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is high. The tool’s strong capabilities for lead scoring, segmentation, list construction, and attribution, however, make up for the greater cost.

#3: CallRail Call Tracking


call rail attribution software

With the use of the software application CallRail Call Tracking, businesses can monitor and link web form submissions, text messages, and phone calls to the marketing efforts that generated them.

This is accomplished by giving each campaign a special tracking number so that you can identify which campaign brought in the lead or customer when they contact you or fill out a form on your website.

Additionally, sponsored search and print advertisements can be measured and reported on using CallRail’s attribution data.

CallRail’s ability to interact with numerous other marketing tools and its extensive reporting features set it apart from other Attribution Software platforms. Additionally, CallRail’s Number Pooling tool.

This enables users to track many phone lines in one location and identify which marketing efforts are generating the most calls, which is their top technical feature.

Top CallRail Call Tracking features

1. CallRail’s Number Pooling

Technological characteristic #1. This makes it possible to track numerous phone lines in one location and determine which marketing campaigns are most responsible for calls.

Additionally, you can monitor the keywords people are using to reach your company and follow the source of each call. Number pooling is a fantastic approach to managing all your marketing activities in one location.

What this is

CallRail’s Number Pooling feature allows you to track multiple phone numbers in one place and see which marketing campaigns are driving the most calls.

Why this matters

With this information, you can adjust your ad spend and/or copy/creative accordingly when you hear that one campaign is attracting the wrong people. Additionally, the data collected by CallRail can be used to measure and report on things like paid search and print ads.

Our experience

We’ve found this feature extremely helpful in tracking down leads that come through our website via different channels – organic search, social media, etc. Being able to attribute a lead source to a specific phone number has helped us optimize our budget for future marketing initiatives.

2. CallRail’s Attribution Software

What this is

CallRail’s Attribution Software allows companies to track and attribute phone calls, texts, and web form submissions to the marketing campaigns that drove them.

This is done by assigning unique tracking numbers to each campaign so that when a lead or customer calls or fills out a form on your website, you can see which campaign they came from.

Additionally, CallRail’s attribution data can be used to measure and report on things like paid search and print ads.

Why this matters

Being able to attribute leads and sales back to specific marketing campaigns is incredibly valuable for understanding which efforts are driving results.

With this data, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing budget for the greatest ROI.

Additionally, if you’re not seeing the results you want from a particular campaign, being able to pinpoint exactly where things went wrong can help you make necessary adjustments going forward.

3. CallRail’s Form Tracking

What this is

CallRail’s form tracking feature allows you to see which forms on your website are being filled out and by whom. You can also see how each form submission came to your site (e.g., through a Google search, direct traffic, etc.).

This information can be used to track the performance of different marketing campaigns and make sure that your attribution is accurate.

Why this matters

Form tracking is important because it allows you to attribute leads and sales accurately to the correct marketing campaign. This helps you understand which campaigns are working and which need to be improved or discontinued.

Additionally, this data can be used to optimize your website for conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Our experience

We used CallRail’s form tracking feature to track which forms on our website were being filled out and by whom. We found that it was very accurate and helped us attribute leads and sales correctly to the correct marketing campaign.

Additionally, we were able to use this data to improve our website for conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Pros and cons of CallRail Call Tracking


  • CallRail’s Number Pooling feature allows you to track multiple phone numbers in one place and see which marketing campaigns are driving the most calls.
  • With this information, you can adjust your ad spend and/or copy/creative accordingly when you hear one campaign bringing in the wrong people.
  • The data collected by CallRail can be used to measure and report on things like paid search and print ads.
  • Being able to attribute leads and sales back to specific marketing campaigns is incredibly valuable for understanding which efforts are driving results.
  • If you’re not seeing the results you want from a particular campaign, being able to pinpoint exactly where things went wrong can help you make necessary adjustments going forward.


  • The cost to add each new line in order to achieve that specificity can get high.
  • CallRail’s attribution data can only be used to measure and report on paid search and print ads – it cannot be used for other types of marketing campaigns (e.g., social media, TV, etc.).
  • CallRail’s form tracking feature is only available for website forms – it cannot be used for other types of forms (e.g., paper, email, etc.).

CallRail Call Tracking Pricing

$45.00 for CallRail Call Tracking, an affordable price in the market for a tool that does Attribution Software. Additionally, they offer a free trial, so you can test out the product before committing to it.


Compared to alternatives like lead Attribution Software tools, CallRail’s pricing is on the lower end. Additionally, they offer a free trial so you can test out the product before committing to it.

Overall, we feel that CallRail is a great option for companies looking for an attribution software tool.

#4: Invoca

invoca attribution software

Invoca is a unique application that excels at call tracking, has a very user-friendly design, and offers thorough information on each call.

It manages our marketing and customer support operations remarkably effectively, has good analytical capabilities, and data is not difficult to understand.

Top Invoca features

1. Inbound call tracking analytics platform

What this is

The customer success team is a group of people who work with customers to help them use the product successfully. They are available by phone or email and can answer questions or provide training on how to use the product.

Why this matters

Having someone available to help you use the product makes it more likely that you will be able to use it effectively and get the most out of it. It also means that if you run into problems, there is someone who can help you solve them.

Our experience

We had a great experience with the customer success team. They were quick to respond to our questions and provided helpful information on how to use the product.

We did have some difficulty understanding how to use the product at first, but the team was able to walk us through it and help us get started.

2. Dynamic Number Insertion

What this is

Dynamic number insertion is a technical feature that allows Invoca to automatically insert a unique tracking phone number onto your website, depending on the source of the web traffic.

For example, if you are running ads on both Facebook and Google, you can use dynamic number insertion to display a different phone number on your website, depending on which ad the customer clicked on.

This way, you can track which ad campaign is driving more calls and adjust your budget accordingly.

Why this matters

This feature matters because it allows companies to attribute marketing spend to phone calls, which further empowers marketing to make a larger impact on the bottom line.

Our experience

We used this feature for our work by setting up different phone numbers for each ad campaign we were running. We then used Invoca’s reporting dashboard to see which campaigns were driving more calls.
We found that our Facebook ads were driving more sales than our Google Ads, so we adjusted our budget accordingly.

3. Attribution Modeling

What this is

The process of assigning a value to each marketing touchpoint in the customer journey in order to attribute credit (or “touchpoints”) for sale.

This is done by looking at data from past customers and mapping out the journey they took before becoming paying customers.

From there, you can assign values to each step in the journey (known as “attributions”) based on how likely it is that the step led to conversion.

Why this matters

In order to optimize your marketing efforts, you need to know which channels are driving results. Attribution modeling allows you to see not only which channels are working but also which specific touchpoints within those channels are most effective.

This insight can help you allocate your budget more efficiently and focus your efforts on activities that are most likely to lead to conversions.

Our experience

We used attribution modeling when we wanted to attribute credit for a sale to the various marketing touchpoints in the customer journey.

We looked at data from past customers and mapped out their journeys. We then assigned values to each step in the journey based on how likely it was that the step led to conversion.

Pros and cons of using Invoca for your Attribution Software:


  • Ease of use
  • Excellent analytical capabilities
  • Comprehensive information on each call
  • User-friendly interface
  • Superior customer support


  • Complex technology
  • Can be difficult to understand
  • Requires commitment and effort to get the most out of it

Invoca Pricing

Pricing for Invoca starts at $600/month. This is expensive compared to other Attribution Software tools on the market, which typically start around $200/month. However, Invoca does offer a free trial, so you can try before you buy.”


It costs extra to use Invoca, It does, however, provide a free trial so you can use the product before buying it. Additionally, the customer success team at Invoca is incredibly attentive and helpful, which facilitates successful product use.

Overall, we think Invoca is a fantastic option for businesses that require an incoming call monitoring analytics platform and are prepared to pay a little bit more for a high-quality item.

#5: SharpSpring

sharpspring attribution software

SharpSpring is a piece of software that enables businesses to link certain marketing and sales initiatives to specific campaigns. A powerful platform, an email and landing page builder, and the ability to import data from many sources are all included.

SharpSpring stands out from other software products in Attribution Software due to its simplicity in building emails and landing sites tailored to certain campaigns.

Top SharpSpring features

1. SharpSpring platform

SharpSpring’s #1 Feature: The platform is robust and allows data to be brought in from multiple sources.

What this is

The SharpSpring platform is robust and allows data to be brought in from multiple sources. This makes it possible to track leads and their interactions on the website, as well as email platforms and sales pipelines.

Why this matters

This feature is important for a company that wants to do Attribution Software because it allows them to see how leads interact with their content. It also helps them understand where their leads come from and what kinds of campaigns are working best.

Our experience

We used this feature for our work by tracking lead interactions on our website. We found it difficult to understand some of the reports, but the customer service team was very helpful in solving our problems.

2. Attribution Software

What this is

This is a feature that allows you to attribute sales and marketing activities to specific campaigns so that you can see which campaigns are most effective.

Why this matters

If you want to know which of your marketing campaigns are working, then attribution software is essential. It allows you to track how leads move through your sales funnel so that you can see which campaign led them there.

Our experience

We used this feature to attribute sales and marketing activities to specific campaigns for our work with a client. We found it difficult to use at first, but we were able to solve the difficulty by contacting customer support.

3. Email and landing page builder

What this is

Create and maintain your email campaigns, along with the landing pages that go with them. It features drag-and-drop capabilities, templates, and tool integrations.

Why this matters

The email and landing page builder is an important part of SharpSpring’s Attribution Software because it allows you to easily create campaign-specific emails and landing pages, which can be customized and integrated with other tools.

Our experience

We have found the email and landing page builder to be very user-friendly, with a wide range of templates that can be customized to fit our needs. However, we have had some difficulties integrating it with other tools, such as our CRM system.

Pros and cons of SharpSpring


  • The platform is robust and allows data to be brought in from multiple sources.
  • It includes strong logic and allows for easy customization.
  • The email and landing page builder is user-friendly with a variety of templates.
  • SharpSpring’s customer service team is responsive and helpful.
  • It integrates well with other tools.


  • The platform can be difficult to use at first.
  • It is not always easy to integrate with other tools.
  • Some of the reports can be confusing.

SharpSpring Pricing


This price is expensive compared to other Attribution Software tools on the market. However, it is important to note that SharpSpring offers a lot of features for this price point.


The platform from SharpSpring is more expensive. However, it has capabilities like an email and landing page builder and the ability to link sales and marketing activity to particular campaigns that make the cost worthwhile.

Because of its strong platform and ability to integrate data from many sources, SharpSpring comes in at number five on our list. Making emails and landing pages specifically for campaigns is also made simple by email and landing page builders.

Marketing professionals may track and evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts with the help of attribution software, which is an invaluable tool. You may learn more about the channels and campaigns that are most responsible for conversions by using the correct attribution tools.

Get a complete picture of your marketing performance with attribution software. Our program gives you information on the contributions that each marketing channel makes to your overall success. Start now to experience the effects right away.

Best Attribution Software according to Reddit:

Google Analytics is pretty good right out of the box. Build your own tracking URLs for everywhere that doesn’t inject UTM automatically. And edit the default channel grouping from the very beginning.

Final Words

Attribution software is an invaluable tool for businesses looking to make the most of their marketing efforts. It helps them understand how their customers interact with their products and services and gives them the insights they need to optimize their campaigns.

With attribution software, businesses can identify which channels are driving conversions, track customer journeys across multiple touchpoints, and measure the impact of each marketing channel on sales.

By leveraging attribution software, businesses can better understand which channels are most effective in driving conversions and optimize their campaigns accordingly.


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