[260+] Funny Slogans for Your Brand 2023

A slogan is a tagline or phrase that portrays the purpose, mission, and identity of an organization. The business world would have been a little less fun without slogans to make us smile when we read them!

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your brand slogan or want to have a laugh while reading hilarious slogans for existing brands, here are 270 funny slogans for real and imaginary brands.

Funny Company Slogans 2023

What if the famous brands’ slogans told us the truth? It would go something like this:

  • “This tab will not open the box.” – Kraft Mac & Cheese
  • “Bring on the waterworks.” – Pixar
  • “Don’t wear red unless you work here.” – Target
  • “Have allergies? Just sleep it off!” – Benadryl
  • “Who said you can’t charge for air?” – Lay’s
  • “The only place with a broken ice cream machine 24/7.” – McDonald’s
  • “Pay us $5 a month, or we’ll have someone whisper about the McDonald’s crispy chicken sandwich in your ear every 30 seconds.” – Spotify
  • We’re either your 4 a.m. drunk meal or your Sunday brunch with the grandparents.” – Denny’s
  • Stand in line while the person in front of you makes 12 transactions because our coupons never expire.” – Bed Bath & Beyond
  • “Pay us $12 to spend an hour picking what to watch before giving up and falling asleep.” – Netflix

Funny Advertising Slogans 2023

Advertising is way more fun with a catchy slogan that makes you giggle! Here are some ideas for funny advertising slogans for famous brands.

  • “What’s the worst that could happen?” – Dr. Pepper
  •  “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One” – Lay’s
  •  “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” – Snickers
  •  “Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe It’s Maybelline” – Maybelline
  • “It Keeps Going, And Going, And Going” – Energizer
  • “Because Change Happens” – Zurich
  • “Sleep On A Bed Of Dreams” – Dreams
  • “When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best” – Hallmark
  • “All The News That’s Fit To Print” – The New York Times
  •  “Let Your Fingers Do The Talking” – Yellow-Pages

Brand Slogans That Are Weird Dirty & Inappropriate

  • Reach Out and Touch Someone – AT&T
  • When It Fits, You Feel It – JCPenney
  • It Takes a Licking and Keeps on Ticking – Timex
  • Just Do It – Nike
  • Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes You Don’t – Almond Joy/Mounds
  • Pleasing People the World Over – Holiday Inn
  • Is it In You? – Gatorade
  • Let Your Fingers Do the Walking – Yellow Pages

Funny Sales Slogans 2023

Looking for slogan ideas for your own business? Here’s a list of funny sales slogans you might love!

  • Get your favorite dresses on your budget.
  • Enjoy the best fresh summer collection at discounted rates.
  • Providing amazing deals to all customers. Happy shopping.
  • Get mind-blowing discounts on this sale. Grab your opportunity fast before time runs out.
  • An unforgettable sale is here with amazing prices.
  • Presenting you with the best quality clothes.
  • Refreshing sale on brand new clothes.
  • Purchase with spectacular discounts on this dazzling sale.
  • Purchase your style at an affordable price.
  • The super discounts that you can’t ignore.
  • Enhance looks and personality with our best winter collection.
  • The winter collection is here. Come and pick your fluffy coats at excellent prices.
  • Get seasonal discounts on your dreamy outfits.
  • The big fashion sale is here. Don’t miss this huge offer.
  • The mega giant sale is live. Start shopping with us.
  • Get free shipping throughout the sale period.
  • Enjoy the real spirit of happiness with our greatest sale ever.
  • Sizzling prices on your favorite outfits. Pick yours now.
  • Great luxurious sale to make you feel happy.

Funny Restaurant Slogans 2023

Funny Restaurant Slogans concept, a woman is signing live in restaurant.

Are you a restaurant owner looking to come up with a funny slogan? Here are some ideas.

  • Your belly knows best.
  • Chicken dinner is a winner.
  • We’re hot and spicy… literally!
  • Grab life by the fork.
  • Eat outside the box.
  • Eat a lot today (and again tomorrow).
  • Burgers! Because no great story started with a salad.
  • Santa, all I want is pizza.
  • Meat you here!
  • Your hunger’s at steak!

Funny Slogans for Competition Businesses 2023

Funny Brand Slogans concept, a man is sitting on a couch with a brand name tag line on business card behind him..

Brands have always been keen to use slogans that could help them stand out against their competitors. Here are some of the best funny brand slogans for competition-fueled businesses.

  • The right sports at the right time.
  • Play like a champion today.
  • Love is playing every game as if it’s your last.
  • Victory begins in the heart.
  • Defend til the end.
  • Reach for the sky, or don’t even try.
  • The most important golf shot is the next one.
  • Run hard when it’s hard to run.
  • Get serious. Get sports.
  • Don’t hold sports back.
  • Rise to the top.
  • Reach for the sky, or don’t even try.
  • Real athletes run. Others just play games.
  • It all starts with attitude.
  • Losers complain. Champions train.
  • I live my life 50 meters at a time.
  • Some dream about goals. We make ‘em!
  • When you get tired, play harder!
  • Come to break the records of games.
  • We kick it where it counts.
  • Our workouts are longer than our shorts.
  • Practice is a vacation for us.
  • Win one for the gipper.
  • Get your Game on.
  • The bar that lasts longer.
  • Pain is only temporary, but victory is forever.
  • Players have fire in their hearts and ice in their veins.
  • One spirit, one team, one win.
  • If it’s gotta be, it starts with me.
  • Most sports, redefined.
  • Come here for gaming only.
  • You may be strong, but we are stronger.
  • No one is a failure until they stop trying.
  • Working together is a success.
  • Natural swimmer. Good sportsmanship.

Funny Safety Slogans 2023

Safety is not something to be taken lightly. But it doesn’t mean that the brand slogans cannot put a smile on your face! So, here are some ideas for funny safety slogans.

  • Just because safety is free, no need to squander it.
  • Invest in a sound investment with your hearing protection.
  • Lifting is a breeze. Bend at the knees.
  • Avoid fatality, and make safety a reality.
  • See your hard hats? Not just for decoration.
  • Arms work best when attached to the body.
  • Crushed fingers can affect your golf swing: Take Care.
  • Can’t take your payment with no fingers.
  • Please exit the building before tweeting in case of a fire.

Funny Student Council Slogans 2023

Are you looking for a humorous student council slogan? If so, we’re sure you’ll love these slogan ideas.

  • Your mind says no, but your heart says yes.
  • Vote for ________. I can talk the talk.
  • Don’t waste your Vote. Vote for _______.
  • Vote for _______ Real deal!
  • You mean you didn’t vote for _______.
  • I pay attention, so you don’t have to!
  • I am not good. I am not better. I am just the best. Vote for me.
  • Why wouldn’t you vote for _______?
  • Vote for me. Otherwise, I’ll lose again.
  • I am good at looking busy.
  • Don’t be shy. Close your eyes and try.
  • Don’t be shy give _______ a try.
  • _______ born for good deeds.
  • Keep calm and vote for (your name)!
  • Take what you need and vote for _______.
  • If girls want my kiss, vote for _______.
  • Don’t pick your nose pick _________ for class president.
  • Vote for the best, and leave the rest.
  • Love your girlfriend & vote for _______.
  • Vote for (________). She/he’s the one cause if you do, we’ll all have fun!
  • Don’t repeat your mistake.
  • Mom says avoid girls & vote for _______.
  • Open your mind, and improve your school.
  • Markers: $5.99, posters: $4.99, (_______) in Student Council: Priceless
  • Vote for_______ or my father will hear of this.
  • We are not kids. We are our future.
  • I promise that I will do something.
  • Go with the flow don’t be slow vote________.
  • Change will come when you vote for ________.
  • Vote me and get a free hug.
  • Vote for ________ She/he will run for you! (put a stick figure with the person’s face on it running).
  • Don’t repeat your mistake. Vote for _____.
  • I don’t hear voices. I AM the voice. Vote (Your Name) for (Position).
  • Vote for _______ to get things done.
  • I mustache you to vote for me! (with a picture of a mustache).
  • Hey girls, I want you to Vote for _______.
  • If you vote for me, I promise that I will do something.
  • Vote me or go home.
  • Don’t trash your vote.
  • Vote for _______. She is hot!
  • Deep hugs for the vote.
  • Before you cry, vote for _______.
  • Shut up & vote for _____.
  • You’ll flip for _______.
  • I respect your choice.
  • Vote me or go to hell.
  • Vote me or only me.
  • Trust GOD & vote for _____.
  • Vote for me to set you free.

Funny Real Estate Slogans 2023

Funny Real Estate Council Slogans concept, business people are holding quote marks.

Are you in the real estate business? If so, here are some of the funniest and most clever real estate brand slogans we could think of.

  • We will find an ideal home for you.
  • Working together on your dreams.
  • A smart move leads to a smart home.
  • The way home you dream of.
  • Making your realty dreams a reality.
  • We will help you sell your home.
  • The best prices, the better agents.
  • We deal with smart people, just like you.

Funny Political Slogans 2023

If you’re into politics, you might find these political slogans useful – and funny!

  • Democratic Party: We’re Not Perfect, But They’re Nuts
  • Is That True, Or Did You Hear It On Fox News?
  • Hillary 2016 / Michelle 2024 / Chelsea 2032 / Malia 2040 / Sasha 2048
  • Voting Is Like Driving A Car. Choose (R) To Go Backward. Choose (D) To Go Forward.
  • The Republican Party: Our Bridge To The Eleventh Century
  • Democrats: Cleaning Up Republican Messes Since 1933
  • Are You Hearing Crazy Voices? Turn Off Fox News
  • Evolution Is Just A Theory…Kind Of Like Gravity
  • Democrats Are Sexy. Who Ever Heard Of A Nice Piece Of Elephant?
  • Obama Won. Again. Get Over It. Again.
  • Don’t Like Socialism? Get Off The Highway
  • Make America Think Again
  • Tea Parties Are For Little Girls With Imaginary Friends
  • My President Killed Osama Bin Laden. How About Yours?
  • Fine…I Evolved, You Didn’t
  • May The Fetus You Save Be Gay
  • GOP Family Values—Your Rights Begin At Conception And End At Birth
  • That Stuff Trickling Down On You Isn’t Money
  • Due To Recent Budget Cuts, The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Has Been Turned Off
  • Insurance Companies Are Republican Death Panels

Funny Presidential Slogans 2023

Curious about some presidential slogans throughout history? Take a look at this list.

  • We Polked You in ’44. We Shall Pierce You in ’52 (1852)
  • Don’t Swap Horses When Crossing Streams (1864)
  • Let’s Get Another Deck” (1936)
  • Better a Third Termer Than a Third Rater (1940)
  • Well, Dewey or Don’t We? (1944)
  • Adlai and Estes—The Bestest (1956)
  • In Your Guts, You Know He’s Nuts (1964)
  • Not Just Peanuts (1976)

Funniest T-Shirt Slogans 2023

If you’re running a t-shirt brand, you might find these t-shirt slogans helpful.

  • May The 4th Be With You.
  • I Do What The Voices In My Head Tell Me.
  • Free Hugs.
  • I’m In Shape. Round Is A Shape.
  • I Love Lamp.
  • Chick Magnet.
  • Run, Forrest, Run!
  • God Is Busy. May I Help You?
  • Return To Sender.
  • This Is What Awesome Looks Like.
  • With Great Beard Comes Great Responsibility.
  • I’m Not Angry. This is Just My Face.
  • Stop Reading My Shirt.
  • I’m Sofa King Cool.
  • Beaches Love Me.

Funny Cleaning Business Slogans 2023

Are you looking for some clever and funny cleaning business slogans? We hope you’ll like these ideas.

  • A bright person can always think of something better to do than housework.
  • Both of us can’t look good at the same time. It’s me or the house.
  • Cleaning is just putting stuff in less obvious places
  • Dear small line of dirt that won’t go into the dustpan, I hate you with every part of my soul.
  • Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture.
  • The first rule of house cleaning while listening to music: the toilet brush is never the microphone.
  • Happiness: A freshly cleaned house.
  • Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?
  • Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn’t done it.
  • I always clean before the cleaning lady comes. If not, when I come home, I can’t find anything. Cleaning ladies are always hiding things you leave out.

Funny Lawn Care Slogans 2023

Are you running a lawn care brand? In this case, the grass IS always greener! Here are some funny slogan ideas for your lawn care business.

  • Our grass is always greener.
  • We mow down the competition.
  • Cutting edge lawn care.
  • You grow it. We mow it!
  • The grass is always greener on our side.
  • Lawn care you can trust.
  • We mow, so you don’t have to.
  • A beautiful yard doesn’t have to be hard.
  • Landscaping made easy.
  • Lawn care made simple. We all long for a simpler life.
  • Achieve greenness.
  • The big green watering machine.
  • Big green weed-killing machine. Same as above.
  • Quality, affordable lawn care.
  • Green is the new black.
  • Blades of glory.
  • Expert care for your lawn.
  • Let us beautify your lawn.
  • Your lawn care specialists.
  • Our name says it all.
  • Leave the dirty work to us.

Funny Bar Slogans 2023

Nothing will get people more curious about your bar than an amusing slogan that makes them want to come in and check it out. Here are some ideas.

  • Get ready to get your beer on!
  • James Bond comes here often.
  • Please, give our drinks a chance.
  • Come hungry and leave drunk.
  • Step inside, and all your problems will be solved.
  • Where your drunk dreams come true.
  • Drinking with a smile.
  • Our waitresses are even hotter than the chicken wings.
  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Try our (food).
  • Where drinks are always shaken, not stirred.
  • Let us bless you with our spirits.
  • Get DEA: Drunk Every Afternoon.
  • We have everything to get you drunk.
  • Where real men meet up.
  • An exciting place for everyone.
  • We got the things to make you happy.

Funny COVID Slogans 2023

Well, now that the pandemic is over, let’s have some fun with funny COVID slogans!

  • I survived the coronavirus.
  • Coronavirus: Made in China.
  • Lets stop coronavirus.
  • Cover your stump before you hump.

Funny Plumbing Business Slogans 2023

Funny Plumbing Business Slogans

Here are some funny plumbing business slogans that will impress customers into signing up for your services.

  • A plumbing company to remember.
  • Plumbing nightmares solved in a go.
  • Plumbing done right. Guaranteed!
  • We won’t drain your checkbook.
  • You can’t go wrong if you shield your dong.
  • When in doubt, shroud your sprout.
  • We’re plumb crazy.
  • Call us when you’re backed up.
  • We’re #1 in the #2 business.
  • We take that extra care with the pipes.
  • Guaranteed crack-free plumbing.
  • The pipes are comfortable with us.
  • Same shift, different day.
  • Got a leak? I’ll take a peek.
  • Plumbers do it at the crack of dawn.
  • Excellence in plumbing.
  • Plumbing done easily.
  • Literally affordable plumbing.
  • We repair what your husband fixed.
  • All cisterns go.
  • Providing friendly plumbing services.
  • Your pipes will not regret us.
  • We’re plumb-crazy!
  • 24/7 plumbing, we show up.
  • Professional plumbing, friendly service.

Funny Slogan Taglines 2023

  • Every individual must marry since happiness isn’t the sole thing in life.
  • Prayers will be performed in schools so long as there are examinations.
  • Whistle while working.
  • Prove that you are worthy; life is short
  • It’s a waste of time to go to school.
  • Safeguard your hands since they will be required for picking up your paycheck.
  • Continue the good work, and you will succeed.
  • You need not spend any money to get the best things in life.
  • Fruity Snakes have a calming effect on me.
  • My 2nd preferred F word happens to be Friday.

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When it comes to brand slogans, businesses will compete with each other for the funniest, most clever slogan possible. We hope that this list of the funniest, silliest, and most clever brand slogans is going to inspire you to come up with the best slogan for your brand.


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