100+ Interesting Newspaper Names 2023 [Catch People’s Eyes]

You may have been told that you can’t judge a book by its cover, but that doesn’t apply to newspapers or magazines. In the case of this type of publication, that’s exactly what potential readers do.

The first thing that draws the reader in is the brand name or the name of the newspaper. Therefore, it’s vital that you get it right.

If you’re thinking about putting together a new magazine or newspaper business, an online newspaper maker will definitely come in handy.

Check out our lists of various types of newspaper names.

Among the lists are some real-world magazine and newspaper names that you might also find useful to look at.

Newspaper Name Ideas

A newspaper name should be concise and to the point, conveying the main message of the publication in as few words as possible.

A great newspaper name should be relevant to its content and purpose. It should accurately reflect the topics it covers and the audience it is aimed at.

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Ideas for unique newspaper names:

  • The World Daily
  • Daily Bulletin
  • Daily Briefing
  • Europe Today
  • National Reports
  • Voice of the People
  • Voice of Ukraine
  • International News

Good Name for Your Newspaper 2023

Save all these newspaper names into your personal files:

  • The [TOPIC] News.
  • The [TOPIC] Post.
  • The [TOPIC] Star.
  • The [TOPIC] Tribune.
  • The [TOPIC] Chronicle.
  • The [TOPIC] Press.
  • The [TOPIC] Journal.
  • The [TOPIC] Times.
  • The [TOPIC] Gazette.
  • The [TOPIC] Sentinel.
  • The [TOPIC] Courier.
  • The [TOPIC] Herald.

Free Newspaper Names 2023

Newspaper Names

To ease you in, let’s start with some newspaper name ideas for a free publication.

  • USA Today
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Vanity Fair
  • Rolling Stone
  • Verified
  • Agent Analysis
  • Inside Authority
  • Data Loop
  • Cover Source
  • Backstream
  • Distillate
  • Indigo Leaf
  • Huckle & Elm
  • Arlo & Dusk
  • Modern Font
  • Augment
  • The Dayspring Observer
  • Early Bird News
  • Sunup Tribune
  • The Pioneer Observer
  • The Foundation Herald
  • Wake up to the New Day
  • The Daily Free Paper
  • Kamloops Free Press
  • New York Times Co
  • Free newspaper business
  • Co Free Newspaper Name
  • The Smart Periodical
  • The Digital Internet LLC
  • The Special Journal LLC

Common Newspaper Title 2023

Some of the most common newspaper names include:

  • The Daily News
  • The Post
  • The Times
  • The Tribune
  • The Journal
  • The Courier
  • The Chronicle
  • The Gazette
  • The Herald
  • The Press
  • The Observer
  • The Record
  • The Sun
  • The Bulletin
  • The Examiner.

Tabloid Newspaper Names 2023

Some of the names in this list will be instantly popular. These are meant as inspiration, while the others could be the right name for you.

  • The Sun
  • Daily Mirror
  • Daily Mail
  • Irish Daily Star
  • The Herald
  • Lazy Bee Media
  • Bouncy Academic
  • Diary of a Wasted Life
  • Tabloid World
  • We Tabloid Newspapers
  • Ex Tabloid Newspapers
  • Graceful Literature
  • The Originative Agency LLC
  • Brief
  • Bugle
  • Bulletin
  • Call
  • Camera Stars
  • Chronicle Daily
  • Citizen Stars
  • Constitution
  • Courier
  • Current Daily Tabloid
  • Daily
  • Islander Pro
  • Journal Daily
  • Juggernaut
  • Leader-News
  • Ledger For You
  • Life
  • Mercury
  • Messenger News
  • Meteor

Broadsheet Newspaper Names 2023

Again, there are names in this list that are already taken, but don’t let that put you off because they’re meant to spark your imagination. 

  • The Times
  • The Telegraph
  • The Guardian
  • The Daily Telegraph
  • De Telegraaf
  • Corriere Della Sera
  • Financial Times
  • La Gazzetta Dello
  • Dagens Nyheter
  • Milliyet
  • Burdett Press
  • Tattersall Publications
  • The Notable Literature LLC
  • The Patriot
  • DailyTownsman
  • 24 Hours
  • The Star
  • Free Press
  • The Daily
  • Metro
  • TheSpectator
  • Nugget
  • Citizen
  • The Examiner
  • TheReformer
  • Daily Observer
  • Standard View
  • Echo
  • Leader
  • Commentator
  • The Voice of People
  • Outlook
  • Booster
  • AnchorInside
  • Express
  • This WeekSource
  • Freelancer
  • Community Voice
  • Mercury

Niche Newspaper Names 2023

Is your magazine or newspaper going to be a little bit different?

For a unique publication, you need a niche newspaper name.

  • Balkan Insight
  • BBC Monitoring Service (in Nexis UK)
  • BelgicaPress
  • Chicago Defender
  • La Croix
  • Daily Telegraphy
  • The Economist
  • EMIS (Emerging Markets Information Service)
  • Harper’s Magazine
  • The Independent on Sunday
  • The Japan Times Archives Online
  • Latin American Newspapers
  • The Nation
  • North China Herald
  • Digital Marketing News
  • Blogging News for You
  • Up And Across
  • Alliance Daily
  • Mirrorless
  • Play Video
  • Newspaperium
  • The Economist
  • Newspaper Milestone
  • Morning Globe
  • Newspaper Intellect
  • Newspaper Post
  • Bulletin Sentinel
  • Rocky Mountain News
  • Wide Mountain Ledger
  • Newspaperonus
  • Newspaperlux
  • St Petersburg Times
  • Look Back Daily
  • Boston Globe
  • New York Post
  • The Ultimate
  • Union Daily Observer
  • Best posts
  • Hear and Now
  • Traveling
  • Explore Blogging
  • IT News
  • AI Then&Now
  • Daily Food Recipes
  • Handmade News
  • Art&Culture

Read our article too on creative newsletter names this 2023!

Alt-Weeklies Newspaper Names 2023

A cutting-edge publication deserves a name that catches the eye and makes the reader think about issues that affect them.

A cutting-edge publication deserves a name that catches the eye and makes the reader think about issues that affect them.

  • Vue Weekly
  • The Georgia Straight
  • Uptown
  • The Scope
  • The Grapevine
  • Athens Voice
  • The Reykjavik Grapevine
  • The eXile
  • East Bay Express
  • Colorado Springs Independent
  • Maui Time Weekly
  • Rock River Times
  • Northern ExpressReno
  • News Review
  • Artvoice
  • Long Island Press
  • Salem Weekly
  • Philadelphia Weekly
  • Seven Days
  • Day Break Weekly
  • Newspaper Passion
  • Status Review
  • Carpe Diem Daily
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Newspaper Oasis
  • Miami Herald
  • Adventist Press
  • Arlo & Dusk
  • Metal Digest
  • Paper Product
  • Newspaper Admin
  • Newspaper Solution
  • Creativity Guide
  • Newspaper Song
  • Enterprise Time
  • Times-Dispatch
  • Know-More Magazine
  • RainyDay Alt-Weeklies Newspapers
  • Margarita Alt-Weeklies Newspapers
  • Bulletproof News
  • Sanctuary
  • RightNow News
  • Newspapers Epic

College/School Newspapers Names 2023

A college newspaper’s name should be fresh and vibrant. Check out the following name ideas for your college or school newspaper.

  • University of Tirana
  • Webster University Vienna
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Helsinki School of Economics
  • University of Cape Town
  • New York University Abu Dhabi
  • The Bucknellian, Bucknell University
  • The Commonwealth Times, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • The Pitt News, University of Pittsburgh
  • The Argonaut
  • The Red and Black
  • The Daily Mississippian
  • Washington Square News
  • The Harvard Crimson
  • The Michigan Daily
  • The Brown Daily Herald
  • The Chronicle
  • The Minaret
  • The Heights
  • The Hilltop
  • Radiance College/School
  • Famous Newspapers
  • NewHorizon
  • RedDog
  • Evolve
  • Pathfinder
  • Messenger
  • Triad College
  • Baseline
  • Hashtag
  • Secure News
  • Sparkle Daily
  • NorthCountry Newspapers
  • Structured Knowledge
  • Python

Community Newspaper Names 2023

A community newspaper name should be one that appeals to the people. See if you can find one you like in the following list of possible community newspaper names.

  • Post Weekly
  • Prestige Standard
  • Oregonian
  • The Megabyte Tech Weekly
  • Revelation Digest
  • Newspaper Nation
  • Union Daily
  • Boring stuff
  • Reality Review
  • Press Institute
  • Newssolutions
  • Grace Communications
  • The whiteFort Courant
  • Enquirer Daily Newspaper
  • The New York Times
  • Hitler’s journal
  • Business Journal
  • Advance Bulletin
  • Sky & Telescope
  • Daily Capital
  • Form Focus
  • Denver Post
  • Catalyst Reflection
  • USA Today
  • Chicago Tribune
  • The Washington Post
  • Newsday
  • The Shuttle
  • Asian Express
  • Community
  • Community Virtual
  • Strategic Community
  • BrickHouse
  • Community Guru
  • First C
  • Veritas
  • Summit Community
  • Community Truth
  • Information
  • Wildflower C

Business Newspaper Names 2023

If you want to attract professional readers to your publication make sure you choose a name that indicates your qualification.

If you want to attract professional readers to your publication make sure you choose a name that indicates your qualification.

  • Financial Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Economist
  • Business Standard
  • The Australian Financial Review
  • The Guardian Australia
  • Green Left
  • The Globe and Mail
  • Edmonton Journal
  • Medicine Hat News
  • Alaska Highway News
  • Telegraph-Journal
  • Forbes
  • The ListFortune
  • Bloomberg Economic News
  • News-Times
  • American Artist
  • Record Morning
  • Reflection Life
  • Campus Roots
  • Wave Newspapers
  • Newspaper Arclight
  • Plain Dealer Cleveland
  • Public Patriot
  • Bulletin Daily
  • Orange County Register
  • The Indian Today
  • Future Chapter
  • Observer News
  • Edward’s Telegraph
  • Filed books
  • Apex News
  • Well Post
  • Newspaper Frig
  • Express Daily Dispatch
  • Newspaperquipo
  • Early Post
  • The Wishlander
  • Morning Independent
  • Purposeful Pages
  • Metro Observer Daily
  • Patron Morning
  • Business News
  • Business For You
  • Hourly Business

Sports Newspaper Names 2023

Here is a list of the top names for a sports newspaper.

  • FOX Sports
  • Chicago Tribune
  • The-Florida Times Union
  • Star Tribune
  • ESPN
  • Daily Racing Form
  • Chicagoland Golf
  • DSL Sport
  • Fanatik
  • ProSport
  • The National Sports Daily
  • New York Sports Express
  • TopSkor
  • Speed Sport
  • Spirit of the Times
  • Sport-Express
  • Sports Open
  • Nucleus
  • Sports Spice
  • Britannia Sports
  • NumberOne
  • GreenLight
  • BrightStar
  • Win
  • Zen Sports
  • Sports Feed

Magazine Names 2023

Choose a name for your magazine that hints at the content. There are some great ideas in the following list.

  • Prime Evening
  • Job fear
  • Newspaper Fluent
  • Elegant Messenger
  • Game Informer
  • Soar truth
  • Newark Star-Ledger
  • The New Yorker
  • Scientific Minds
  • Guardian
  • News Everyday
  • Record Daily Newspaper
  • Inspiration Magazine
  • Newspaper Botanical
  • The Golden Star
  • The Brave Wheel
  • Golf Magazine
  • Modest News
  • Newspaperzoid
  • Independent Daily
  • Global Morning
  • The Asahi Shimbun
  • Reference News
  • Cook’s Illustrated
  • Esquire
  • American Demographics
  • Men’s Health
  • Consumer Reports
  • Whole Dog Journal
  • People
  • Business Week
  • Fine Homebuilding
  • The Atlantic Monthly
  • Conde Nast Traveller
  • No Depression
  • Cooking Light
  • Car and Driver

Cool Newspaper Names 2023

If you’re looking for a newspaper name that’s catchy, memorable, and cool, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of the coolest newspaper names to consider for 2023:

  • The Daily Buzz 
  • The Bold Standard
  • The Daily Pulse
  • The Fresh Press
  • The UpBeat Times
  • The Maverick Press
  • The Insider Daily
  • The Bright Side Times
  • The Spark
  • The Elite Chronicle

Funny Newspaper Names 2023

If you want your readers to have a good laugh, pick a name that brings a smile to their faces and makes them chuckle.

  • Newspaperya
  • Category Express
  • Newspaper Agile
  • Tribune Daily Newspaper
  • Star Headline Tribune
  • Business Daily
  • Miami Herald
  • The Observer
  • Houston Chronicle
  • The Sun Record
  • Epoch Daily
  • Silver Spring
  • Blackboard Reflection
  • The Thinker
  • The Citizen
  • Exposition Focus
  • The Ruby Bulletin
  • Newspaper Topics
  • Fresh Face Printing
  • The Crest Journal
  • Funny Load
  • Quantum Leap
  • Funny Investments
  • Funny Vid
  • Funny Rentals
  • Dynamic News
  • Merlin the Wizard
  • Make my Day
  • Flying Cows
  • Flying News
  • Catch me if You can
  • Polish my Lies

Famous Newspaper Names 2023

Here is a list of some famous newspaper names, that you may have already heard.

Here is a list of some famous newspaper names that you may have already heard.

  • Explorer News
  • Express Daily Dispatch
  • Headline Daily
  • Headline Press
  • Eyewitness Daily
  • Eyewitness Financial Times
  • Daily Capital
  • Daily Capital Review
  • FirstLight News
  • FirstLight Time
  • Early Post
  • The Thinker
  • FirstLight Tribune
  • Foundation Times
  • The Wishlander
  • The WhiteFort Courant
  • Gazette Weekly
  • Constitution News
  • Courier Today
  • Observer News
  • The Golden Star
  • Beacon Times
  • Break of Day Chronicle
  • Break of Day News
  • Daily Vista Voice
  • Day Break Daily
  • Day Break News
  • Wall Street Journal
  • USA Today
  • New York Times
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Washington Post
  • New York Daily News
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Newsday
  • Houston Chronicle
  • Dallas Morning News
  • Chicago Sun-Times
  • Boston Globe
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • New York Post
  • Arizona Republic
  • Helios Newspapers
  • AfterHours
  • GreenValley
  • Thread N
  • Newspapers Dollar
  • Veracity
  • Alchemy

Creative Newspaper Names 2023

If your creative side needs a little nurturing, see if the names in this list help.

  • Witness Morning
  • The State Sentinel
  • The State Times
  • Sunday News Newspaper
  • Sunrise Record
  • Public Record
  • Record Daily Newspaper
  • Record Morning
  • Pioneer Daily
  • Pioneer Time Newspaper
  • Sunup Sentinel
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Daily Bulletin Review
  • Independent Morning
  • Inside Daily Newspaper
  • Day Break Weekly
  • Daylight News
  • Morning Lodestar
  • Diem Press
  • Prime Daily Sun Newspaper
  • The Patriot Bulletin
  • Local World
  • Sun-Sentinel
  • Post Weekly
  • Prestige Standard
  • Oregonian
  • The Megabyte Tech Weekly
  • Revelation Digest
  • Newspaper Nation
  • Union Daily
  • Boring stuff
  • Reality Review
  • Press Institute
  • Newssolutions
  • Grace Communications
  • GameDay
  • Red Dragon
  • Creative Dart
  • NumberOne C
  • Creative Gun News

Fake Newspaper Names 2023

Here are some fake newspaper names you might want to consider.

Here are some fake newspaper names you might want to consider.

  • Look Back Morning
  • Metro Observer Daily
  • Metro Star Tribune
  • Enterprise Time
  • Epoch Daily
  • Dispatch News
  • Dispatch Time
  • Epoch News
  • Metropolitan Daily
  • Modest News
  • Monday News
  • Capitol Weekly
  • Carpe Diem Daily
  • Citizen Time
  • Stoddert Times
  • On The Spot
  • Citizen-Times
  • Community News
  • The Core Issue
  • Instant Monitor
  • Connection Evening Express
  • Fake Gateway
  • Fake Online
  • Badass F
  • Evoke Fake
  • Fake Agents
  • Tell the Truth
  • All in Here
  • We Got it for You
  • On the Spot Instantly
  • Deep Hole
  • Thin Wide

Unusual Newspaper Names 2023

Unusual newspaper names are always going to stand out, but will they be memorable for the right reasons?

  • The Daily Tombstone
  • The Anaconda Standard
  • The Tombstone Epitaph
  • Canal of Intelligence
  • The Jefferson Jimplecute
  • The Tundra Drums
  • The Daily Boomerang
  • Terrified Democrat
  • De Queen Bee
  • Barrier Daily Truth
  • Carlisle Mosquito
  • Bullfrog Miner
  • The Casket
  • Royston Crow
  • Banbury Cake
  • LEO Weekly
  • The War Cry
  • Gleaner
  • Fake True
  • Upside Up
  • Tell ME Lie
  • Unforgettable Memories
  • Read me at Night
  • Deep Vision
  • Forget me Not
  • Prey
  • Purple Sun

Newspaper Name Generators 2023

If you’re still struggling to find the right name, you might want to try one of the following newspaper name generators:

  • Businessnamegenerator.com
  • Fantasynamegenerators.com
  • Copywritingcourse.com
  • Thestoryshack.com
  • Biznamewiz.com
  • Randomnamegenerators.com

You might be interested to check those related posts as well:


How do I name my magazine or newspaper business?

The naming process can be broken down into 6 simple steps you can follow:

  1. Content: Consider what you’re going to cover in your publication and how you’re going to do it.
  2. Target Audience: What specific group are you going to market to? This will help you choose a name that speaks their language.
  3. Brainstorm Keywords: They will communicate your unique vision.
  4. Consider a Name Generator
  5. Conduct Market Research: Shortlist 10 names and put them to the test.
  6. Availability: Check the name isn’t already trademarked, a web domain is available, and it’s also available on the major social media platforms.

Have you got any tips for creating a unique newspaper or magazine name?

  1. Express Yourself: Give a glimpse of your publication’s content with the title
  2. Make it Brandable: Short and simple is the best.
  3. Think visually: Think about how your name will appear on the page.

How do I find out if a newspaper or magazine name is trademarked?

You will have to do a trademark search and pay the required fee. In the US, this is done by visiting the United States Patent and Trademark Office.


A good name is one that gives the reader an idea of the content they can find inside. It should also speak the language of the target audience. Finally, it should be visually compelling and highly brandable.

With an extensive list of names to refer to, you should have less of a problem deciding on a name for your newspaper or magazine business.


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